5 Blade Aluminium Window for Sheds
Our 5 Blade Louvre window is a great option for added ventilation and natural light.
w700mm x h730mm
Price: $290
More about this product
Adding a window to a garden shed is an excellent way to add both functionality and beauty. Not only does a window provide natural light and ventilation, but it can also be used to decorate the space.
Natural light and ventilation
It brings in natural light allowing you to see better when you are working on your projects inside the shed. With the additional airflow, it also helps keep the temperature cool and comfortable, even on hot summer days., Our louvre window is designed with flashings to ensure protection from rain and weather conditions.
Great design
A well-designed garden shed can provide a comfortable working environment and a good design can add value to your property, our 5 blade louvre windows can be positioned in most positions in the shed to ensure you get the view best suited to your property, a popular choice is to have the louvre window sitting over a workbench so when you are working on your project you get light, ventilation and a view!
Our 5-Blade Aluminium Window is made from high-quality materials, providing extra durability and weatherproofing for your shed. It’s the perfect addition to any garden or outdoor space. Whether you need added ventilation or just want to add a bit of flair, this window is the perfect choice!